Pôvodný jednoduchý kostol vznikol prestavaním evanjelikmi zakúpeného Bossaniovského meštianskeho domu. Kostol bol dokončený roku 1785. Veža bola pristavená neskôr v rokoch 1856 – 1857 a postavil ju František Mikš z Tuhára. V rokoch 1830 – 1832 býval na v malom domčeku na dvore fary pri kostole kňaz Karol Kuzmány. V rokoch 1921-1922 bol kostol prestavaný v novogotickom slohu Slovensko českou účastinnou stavebnou spoločnosťou z Banskej Bystrice.
Originally a simple church which dates back to the second half of the 18th century. It was rebuilt from the bourgeois house in the town´s square. A bell-tower and a 38-metre tall tower were added after the first half of the 19th century. In the 1920s, the church was reconstructed and gained a new Neogothic appearance. The construction is made up of three naves with polygonal closure, a tran-sept, and a tower with bell-tower. The interior paraphernalia of the building complies with the given period, with a tinge of Art Nouveau Decor. The Neogothic altar is composed of sandstone with marble columns dominated by the statue of Christ in white marble. In 2001, the church underwent a total reconstruction. There are Christmas concerts held regularly.
During the period of 1930-1932, Karol Kuzmány, a Slovak priest, writer, patriot, co-founder and the first vice-chairman of the Matica slovenská (Slovakia´s scientific and cultural institution), lived in a small house situated in the yard of the local parsonage.
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